Triumph Pavilion 2015: “Sky Pavilion”

From the competition's brief:

"The theme for the 2015 Triumph Pavilion is the “Sky”, hence the Pavilion will be entitled “Sky Pavilion”. It is an exciting prospect and aims to be one that inspires architects to explore the 5th facade of most architecture project . The sky is a complex sphere with such elements as sun, moon, stars and clouds all adding to the dramatic effects of colour, day, night, texture, rain, sunshine etc.. The competition calls on participants to create a unique space that invites visitors to appreciate the role the sky and its elements play in our well-being, perception of architectural structures and the world around us as a whole. "

As a team, we designed three different proposals based on three different approaches.

1. Łukasz Stawiński

2. Aleksander Dynarek

3. Piotr Kluszczyński